At certain points in our lives events occur that shake the very meaning of our existance; that make us question what life is all about; that make us realise just how important our loved ones are to us.
As some of you may be aware such an event happened to me a few a weeks ago: my father, who previously had been fit and healthy, had an unexpected sudden heart attack from which he did not recover. The shock of it has still not left me. I can't believe a person who really had nothing wrong with him to no longer be around, to no longer be in the house when I walk in, to no longer lovingly embrace his little girl and to no longer be the quiet unassuming rock in my life is almost beyond comprehension.
What I do have, though, are wonderful memories and the unremitting love and support of my family and friends and for that I am ever grateful. They help to make an unbearable situation a little bit easier.
If there is anyone going through something similar and things are looking bleak do not be afraid to reach out to friends and family and let your vulnerablities show. From my own experience this is when they come into their own.
And Cruse can be a useful charity for emotional as well as practical help following a sadness in our lives.
I can't say how long it will take to accept that my father is no longer around, or if I ever will. But I do know the jouney forward will be made easier by the interactions of my family and friends. It's what my Dad would have wanted.